Shadow Dragon Press

Publisher of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Speculative Fiction

An imprint of Artemesia Publishing



Tempest Blades: The Magick of Chaos

Tempest Blades: The Magick of Chaos
Written by: Ricardo Victoria (visit Ricardo's website)

ISBN: 9781951122607 (paperback) and 9781951122614 (eBook)
Publication Date: June 13, 2023
Format: Paperback
Price: $17.95
Pages: TBD
E-Book version also available! Download to your favorite e-reader.
You can download it for the Amazon Kindle, Nook, or Kobo.

Two teams, two missions, and one world to save before everything goes to hell.

In a world where magic and science intermingle, anything is possible, including finding out who you really are.

