Shadow Dragon Press

Publisher of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Speculative Fiction

An imprint of Artemesia Publishing



Maple Springs

Maple Springs
Written by: Pierre C Arseneault (visit Pierre's author website)

ISBN: 9781951122393 (paperback) and 9781951122522 (eBook)
Publication Date: October 11, 2022
Format: Paperback
Price: $15.95
Pages: 298
E-Book version now available! Download to your favorite e-reader.
You can download it for the Amazon Kindle, Nook, or Kobo.

People in Maples Springs are disappearing and only one person seems to care.

While witch Lucinda Mayweather struggles to keep her dark pact with the thing she knows as the shadow man, the townsfolk who are under her spell brush off yet another disappearance with bizarre explanations. And while most of the townsfolk accept the lies as truth, there are those who doubt their validity while spreading rumors of even crazier things such as monsters in the park.

Meanwhile young Robyn Skidmoore, being one of the doubters, launches her own search for her missing best friend as she deals with tales of a legendary recluse, monsters, mob ties and meddlesome townsfolk making things spin out of control for everyone.
